Let’s take a look at this fun fitness app.

What Is The Conqueror Challenges?

Put simply, The Conqueror Challenges allows its users to take part in a variety of distance-based virtual challenges. Fancy climbing Mount Everest or following the Appalachian Trail? With The Conqueror Challenges, you can earn yourself a real-life medal by simply walking, running, or cycling at your own pace in a timeframe that suits you.

What’s more, you can complete your chosen challenge in the gym, in your local park, or even just walking around your garden. That’s the joy of virtual challenges and virtual experiences—you can do them anywhere you like!

Download: The Conqueror Challenges for Android | iOS (Free, in-app purchases required)

How The Conqueror Challenges Works

Getting started with the Conqueror Challenges app is simple. Download the app from the Play Store or App Store, and then create yourself an account.

Once you’ve signed up, you can choose from over 25 different challenges, some short and some long. To purchase a challenge, the app will direct you to the Conqueror website. Once payment is complete, you’ll receive a code which you can then enter into the app.

After you’ve started the challenge, all that’s left to do is put in the distance. So grab your bike or your running shoes and start tracking your progress.

After each walk, run, or cycle, simply input your distance into the app, and it will keep track of your progress. As you get further into your challenge, you’ll see your little avatar move along the route.

You’ll also pick up informative postcards from landmark locations and plant a real-life tree for every 20% of a challenge you complete. It feels good to be helping the environment by engaging with the app.

Don’t worry if you live outside of the US or the UK; the Conqueror Challenges app accepts entries from all over the world and even offers global shipping on all medals and apparel.

Does The Conqueror Challenges Support Fitness Trackers?

To help you keep track of your distance, the app syncs with a number of popular fitness trackers and smartwatches. These include:

Adidas Running—Runtastic Fitbit Garmin Google Fit RunKeeper Strava Under Armour connected fitness apps

If you don’t want to sync your gear and know the distance of your route, then you can also manually enter your distance into the app.

What Kind of Exercises Can You Log?

While walking, running, and cycling are three of the most popular exercises to log, you can also record swimming, rowing, elliptical and skiing distances. There’s also the option to record wheelchair distances or your steps.

Every time you post a distance to the app, you’ll be given the option to select a date and activity, add a comment, and even add a photo for your own records. While this isn’t compulsory, it can be nice to look back on at a later date.

Can You Connect With Friends?

One of the things I like most about The Conqueror Challenges is the ability to enjoy it alone or as a part of a community. If you have friends on the app, then you can create your own community to keep track of each other’s progress.

Alternatively, you can search for a community to join. Joining a community will filter the map to only show members of that community, making it easier to keep up with each other’s progress.

How Much Does The Conqueror Challenges Cost?

The Conqueror Challenges app itself is free, but there is a fee for each challenge you undertake. The cost of each challenge varies depending on the length of the challenge and whether you would also like to receive a t-shirt.

For entry and a medal, most challenges cost between $29.95 and $39.95, or £24.95 and £34.95 if you’re from the UK. If you also want to receive a tank top or t-shirt, then this price rises to between $59.95 and $69.95, or £49.95 and £59.95.

Is the Price Worth It?

Ultimately, whether the price is worth it or not will come down to how much you want that medal and whether you need that little bit of extra motivation to get you moving. I found that having the app made me more likely to get outside and go for a walk, and my finisher’s medal was much higher quality than I expected.

At the end of the day, can you put a price on your health? If you get a lot of enjoyment from the app, like collecting things and enjoy a sense of community, the fee is most definitely worth it.

Can You Enter More Than One Challenge at a Time?

There are so many great looking challenges and beautiful medals to win that you may want to consider joining more than one challenge at a time. The good news is, you can enter as many simultaneous challenges as you like (or can afford).

You can either post your distances to all of your challenges, or you could mix things up by posting all of your running distances to one challenge and your walking distances to another. I personally have chosen to complete one challenge at a time as I think that makes things easier.

What’s Stopping You From Cheating?

With the Conqueror Challenges app, there are no winners or losers. So if you decide to input false distances into the app, then you’re only really cheating yourself.

The company does claim to have ways of detecting cheating (perhaps if you were to input the total challenge distance in one go), but essentially it relies on the honesty of its participants. There are no time limits on challenges, so it’s not like you lose your medal if you don’t complete the challenge in a specific time frame.

Using Apps to Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals

Apps like The Conqueror Challenges are a great way to gamify working out. If distance-based challenges aren’t your cup of tea, then there are plenty of other apps that can help you reach your fitness goals.

Whatever motivates you to keep moving, apps can help you to overcome psychological barriers and keep track of your progress.