The Last of Us’ first adaptation episode has aired on HBO, and it is remarkably faithful to the original game up to when Joel, Tess, and Ellie leave Boston’s quarantine zone. Fans of the game know that this is when players are introduced to clickers and fighting the infected becomes more of a casual occurrence, and it will be exciting to see how the show tackles these instances. The show’s pilot did not have a lot of combat as Joel, Tess, and Ellie do not fight the infected or any hunters, but there is a lot the show could do to incorporate unique gimmicks from the game.

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The Last of Us’ Show Needs Bricks and Bottles

The Last of Us’ bricks and bottles are seminal items that players can find almost everywhere. It might seem like a revolver is more important than a brick, but the brick’s function in The Last of Us is multifaceted and cannot be overstated. Bricks and bottles can both be used passively if players are dabbling in stealth, lobbing them to lure enemies momentarily.

This allows players to get the drop on them, or send enemies far enough away that players can move to a better position or avoid them entirely. Bricks and bottles can also both be thrown directly at an enemy to stun them, and players are then intended to follow that up with another attack. However, the difference between bricks and bottles is significant. Bottles shatter instantly if players use them to strike an enemy at close-range. Bricks, on the other hand are durable enough to be struck three times before they break.

This is important to remember when coming across clickers because players can sneak up to them and bash them thrice over the head to kill them instantly, making bricks a great way to preserve indispensable ammunition and shivs. Bricks and bottles should be implemented as well in The Last of Us’ show as they are in the game.

The Last of Us’ Show Can Use Makeshift Melee Weapons

Joel has been shown to keep a crowbar and a hatchet in The Last of Us on HBO, along with a revolver. In The Last of Us, miscellaneous melee weapons are strewn about, but they all have different levels of durability and break after a predetermined number of hits. Later, players can upgrade their melee weapon by fashioning scissors onto them with surgical tape. This can turn a measly wooden 2x4 into a powerful weapon with three instant-kill hits.

Players will need to be judicious when deciding how to spend their resources, since fashioning an upgraded melee weapon may mean they are unable to craft a shiv when they are in dire need of one. These would also be great to see in The Last of Us’ show, especially if shivs are used to pry open a door and gain access to loot.

The Last of Us debuts new episodes every Sunday on HBO and HBO Max.

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