The U.S. Army, Airforce, Navy, and other branches all have a level of investment in the video game world and the Call of Duty esports community. Due to failures in traditional recruiting methods, the U.S. Military has doubled down on its digital recruitment efforts and found unconventional ways to reach prospective soldiers.

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Recruitment Failure Results in Digital Investment

The future of digital entertainment was doubted for a long time by experts in the industry. Although the world of video games continued to grow, many skeptics thought that it would be a fad. As time progressed into the 90s and personal computers, television sets, and entertainment systems started to become more accessible, the future of video games seemed like a bright and prospering opportunity.

The U.S. Military found itself ahead of the curve and through the Pentagon have been sponsoring video game development since the early 2000s. In 2002, the first-person shooter America’s Army launched for Windows systems and acted as a brand new recruitment system allowing players to explore the Army at their own pace. This is the earliest use of U.S. Army recruiting in the world of video games, but it is not the last attempt.

The military watched as the gaming industry grew and occasionally put out updated versions of their America’s Army project. As of 2015, the Pentagon included “Electronic Games” in Instruction 5410.16. This added video games into the list of varying media that would “benefit Military Service recruiting and retention programs,” which eventually grew into esports and U.S. Army using social media for recruitment.

Evolution into Esports

Esports started gaining mainstream popularity around the same time and continued to grow into the competitive empire that fans can see today. As of 2018, the Military had founded its own esports team putting another voice into the un-monitored world of competitive gaming. As online gaming continued to grow in popularity, the U.S. Military continued to expand into streaming and competing in other popular games.

As of now, the U.S. Army Esports is made up of active duty and reserve personnel who compete in some of the most popular games on the market. The U.S. Army Esports team is broken into the following divisions: Call of Duty, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Fortnite, League of Legends, Overwatch, and Magic: The Gathering. By accessing some of the most popular esports games on the web, it has direct access to thousands of gamers of all ages who could be valued recruits for the U.S. armed services.

The esports team has been buried in controversy since its launch. The online community was quick to troll and harass the competitors, and allegations of fake giveaways ruined a large point of their credibility. As of July 22, 2020, a bill was circulating the U.S. House of Representatives to try and prohibit the U.S. Military from having a “presence on Twitch or any video game. e-sports, or live-streaming platform.”

Modern Recruitment Strategies

The focus of digital recruitment has been increased in recent months due to COVID-19 limiting physical events. Turning back towards esports as a recruitment tool, the U.S. Military is looking closer at the gamer-to-soldier solution. It is a common practice when recruiting for the armed forces to stress the pride, glory, and valor of defending the nation, but in a gamer-driven environment, those messages do not stick as well.

Although the esports team is not staffed by military recruiters, the team is part of the Army’s recruiting command. Giveaways hosted on the U.S. Army Twitch channel were easily targeting kids as young as 12 with many of the application forms redirecting to military recruiting forms. Although the Army has admitted that the forms are used for recruitment, it stands by the legitimacy of the giveaways themselves.

Recently, the U.S. Marine Corp hosted a Warzone tournament in which players competed at a national level. The tournament was designed as a chance to boost recruitment numbers and spread awareness of Marine Corp opportunities. The top trios teams that made it to the end would have their ranks reinforced with an active duty marine whose job was to practice with the team and support them in the final stage of the tournament. Alongside the gameplay responsibilities, the marines were instructed to discuss enlistment opportunities with the competitors and advise them on the next steps towards recruitment.

Although the Marine Corp was completely above board on its intentions, not every organization in the military has been as honest. With open microphone opportunities in Fortnite, Warzone, and League of Legends, there is no telling who the gamers are talking to. Un-monitored channels are a perfect place for U.S. Military recruitment programs to reach out to children as young as 12. Although this does not break any rules or laws, many parents are simply unaware of the possibilities in digital gaming at a massive online level.

The results of these recruitment strategies are currently unknown, but the persistent efforts of the U.S. military show some level of success. Recruiting straight from a digital environment is much easier than traditional methods, and the lack of parental awareness makes it even more powerful. The Military will most likely not change its tactics and adapt around any legislation passed limiting its esports program, but parents need to be aware of the tactics and strategies being deployed.

Simply being aware of who children are talking to in these massive digital realms can go a long way towards safety. Monitoring children’s interactions also aid the U.S. Military’s efforts as it can get them connected with Modern Warfare and Fortnite fans who might have a real interest in a military career. As the esports and gaming community continues to grow, the relationship between esports, Call of Duty, and the U.S. Armed Forces will grow with it providing even more opportunities for recruitment, and it’s up to individuals to understand how to navigate it. For those who want to join the military, it’s a great personal connection; on the other hand, it may seem intrusive for younger children.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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