The events surrounding Knights of the Old Republic are only the first half of Revan’s story, however, as he would eventually journey out into the Unknown Regions once more to confront the Sith Emperor who had manipulated him and Malak into joining the Dark Side. Betrayed and captured, Revan would spend centuries in stasis, imprisoned by the Emperor before encountering the player characters in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Through various Flashpoint dungeons and an entire expansion, Shadow of Revan, his story would finally come to a close thanks to the actions of the players.

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Revan Is Captured by the True Sith After Knights of the Old Republic

Retracing his steps after having lost his memory, Revan arrives at the Nathema System, where the Emperor had once used a ritual that stripped the Force from the planet, instantly killing all life and granting him immortality. At the same time, Lord Scourge and Darth Nyriss were at Nathema observing the results of the Emperor’s power. The Sith Lords shot down the Ebon Hawk and took Revan prisoner, missing his droid T3-M4. This leads to the events of Knights of the Old Republic 2, as T3-M4 would repair the Ebon Hawk and join with the Jedi Exile Meetra Surik, the player character in KOTOR 2. After KOTOR 2, Meetra Surik and T3-M4 returned to Nathema and traced Revan to Dromund Kaas, the capital world of the Sith Empire where Revan was being held captive.

During Revan’s imprisonment by Scourge, he had convinced Scourge that he saw visions showing that they could overthrow the Emperor together. When Meetra Surik and T3-M4 arrive at Dromund Kaas, they are joined by Scourge in freeing Revan from captivity and make their way to the throne room. During the confrontation with the Emperor, Scourge has a vision of a future Jedi Knight – The Old Republic’s Jedi Knight player character class – who would be the one to defeat the Emperor. In an act of betrayal, Scourge kills Meetra Surik from behind. The Emperor destroys T3-M4 and imprisons Revan on a space station hidden in the dangerous Maelstrom Nebula for the next three centuries.

Revan is Rescued 300 Years Later in Star Wars: The Old Republic

The extremely powerful Sith Emperor spends the next three centuries leeching off of Revan’s power, linking with his mind in order to gather information about the Republic. The Empire finally invades the Republic and a devastating galactic war ensues. Revan’s strength was being bolstered by the Force ghost of Meetra Surik, however, and he was able to influence the Sith Emperor’s own mind. After the Empire sacked Coruscant, Revan’s influence led to the Empire signing the Treaty of Coruscant, halting the violence briefly during a period of tension known as the Cold War. This Cold War is the starting point of Star Wars: The Old Republic’s first chapters.

Aware of the Emperor’s intent to initiate a dark ritual that would exterminate all life in the galaxy, the Force ghost of Meetra Surik reached out to Jedi Master Oteg. A strike team was formed by Master Oteg to assault the Maelstrom Prison and rescue Revan from captivity. This would play out through a series of in-game Flashpoints for Republic players, “Taral V” and “Maelstrom Prison.” Eventually, the strike team is successful in freeing Revan, who is mortified at his own freedom since he can no longer use his influence to suppress the Emperor’s violence. Revan parts ways with the Jedi once more to pursue his own ends.

Revan is eventually reunited with his assassin droid companion HK-47, and together they reactivate an ancient Rakatan droid foundry to create a droid army that would destroy the Empire. Imperial players assault the Foundry in the Flashpoint “The Foundry”, eventually shutting off the Foundry generator and confronting HK-47. HK-47 is destroyed by the Sith players, who then move to confront Revan. Revan is defeated by the players, splitting his essence in half. His Light Side half joins with the Force, while the Dark Side part of him takes on a physical form seeped in insanity and darkness.

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Revan’s Story Comes to a Close in Star Wars: The Old Republic

The maddened Revan begins to build up his forces in an attempt to destroy both the Sith Empire and the Republic, perceiving both to be obstacles in the way of his mission to defeat the Emperor once and for all. Revan would use his Revanite cultists and Nova Blades pirate allies in several plots to destabilize the galaxy and reignite the conflict between the Empire and the Republic. These plots would mostly be foiled and Revan’s intentions revealed, leading him to go to Yavin 4 with all of his forces. Earlier, the Emperor had been defeated by the Jedi Knight player character as Lord Scourge previously foresaw, and his spirit was regenerating on Yavin 4. Revan intended to destroy the Emperor by resurrecting him and finishing him off on Yavin 4.

A coalition of Sith and Republic forces pursued Revan to Yavin and engaged his forces, eventually leading to a final battle between Revan and heroes from both sides of the conflict, including the player character. The death and destruction due to the Sith and Republic’s conflict with Revan’s followers helped restore the Sith Emperor’s powers, giving his spirit enough strength to flee from Yavin 4. With Revan’s plans ruined and his defeat at the hands of the Sith-Republic coalition, the Dark and Light Side halves of Revan reunited, merging the restored Revan with the Force.

Revan would appear one final time during the final confrontation with Tenebrae, the Sith Emperor’s original identity. Within Revan’s descendant Satele Shan’s mind, Tenebrae’s three aspects – Emperor Vitiate, Valkorion, and Tenebrae – were attempting to resurrect. Revan, along with Meetra Surik and many other spirits of people who had been murdered by the Emperor over the centuries, aided the player character in the ultimate destruction of what remained of the Emperor’s essence. With every moment of the last 300 years of Revan’s life seemingly leading up to this final battle, Revan was finally at peace and became one with the Force, and the galaxy would be safe from one of the greatest threats it would ever face.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is available on PC.

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