Here’s how TikTok is tweaking its algorithm to ensure diversification.

TikTok Is Changing Its Recommendation Algorithm

TikTok is changing how the For You page works to strive for content diversification. In a blog post, TikTok said, “we recognize that too much of anything, whether it’s animals, fitness tips, or personal well-being journeys, doesn’t fit with the diverse discovery experience we aim to create.”

While showing highly related content can be positive, it doesn’t always pan out that way. For instance, if you watch a negative video and all you see as you scroll down is similar content with the same theme, it might lead to a negative user experience.

The company aims to ensure users bump into a wide range of ideas while scrolling through the For You page.

How TikTok’s Recommendation Algorithm Is Changing

TikTok plans to implement recommendation diversification in several ways.

First, the For You page will show you different types of content in varying categories—even those that fall outside your preferences. As much as you’re deeply rooted in fitness content, for example, the For You page will also show content from other categories that might not suit your taste.

Secondly, TikTok will not recommend two videos from the same creator in a row or those from different creators but with the same sound.

The company also plans to dig into its algorithm to identify if it may be unintentionally recommending limited content types that could have a negative effect on you if watched in clusters like weight loss content.

What Do These Algorithm Changes Mean to TikTok Users?

TikTok’s powerful algorithm is a big part of why the short video platform has risen to one of the most popular social media apps. While the algorithm-driven For You page is a good way to discover content, it can sometimes feel like an echo chamber.

And it’s not just TikTok. Social media platforms usually amplify content that aligns with your own beliefs and interests. This can make it hard to see what’s on the other side.

That’s why the upcoming changes are welcome, as they help users discover different content types and a variety of perspectives.

Too Much of Anything Is Not Good

Anything in large proportions is typically not good. And while the TikTok algorithm has been key to the platform’s success, diversity is also a good thing to ensure users are exposed to different ideas.

Besides diversification, TikTok plans to give you a little more control by selecting words and hashtags related to content you don’t want to see.