However, even a good character creator like the one seen in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands could be improved upon. While it remains to be seen if Gearbox will bring it back in a future Borderlands game or a potential Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands sequel, fans have already suggested a few ways that the character creator could be made better. With these changes being realistic as opposed to over-the-top, it is easy to imagine a future Gearbox character creator incorporating them.

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Body Types and Armor Choice in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands

One major feature that the Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands community has already asked Gearbox to add is more body types to choose from. Currently, there are only two options available, which are “this one” and “that one.” These choices provide basic masculine and feminine bodies, but for those that want something more specific, they are out of luck. This is a bit of a shame considering that players can customize so many facial features.

In the requests for more body types in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, one thing that players often argue for is extremely skinny and fat options. Gamers have also said that they would like their characters to be even shorter than what the game allows, combining shortness with girth to create a dwarf character. Gearbox could go even further if it wanted to, though, allowing players to customize specific body parts.

One of the most entertaining aspects of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ character creator is that gamers can make their eyes off center, raising and lowering their placement on the Fatemaker’s face. This has led to some truly silly designs, and it would be great to have the same level of control when it comes to bodies. Players could give their characters ridiculously small T. Rex arms or a huge stomach like Overwatch’s Roadhog, with these possibilities only being the tip of the iceberg. Instead of just adding fat and skinny body types, it would be great to have full control over the shape and size of the bodies.

Another excellent change would see Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands players free to choose the armor that their characters are wearing. Currently, armor designs are tied directly to what players have equipped. While it does make these item drops more special, as they impact appearance as well as gameplay, gamers are sometimes stuck wearing an armor they dislike simply because it has better stats. Likewise, an armor drop could be for a very different build but suit a player’s look, so those that care about fashion could be forced to use it.

Making armor designs function like the other Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands cosmetics is one possibility. Another would see players unlocking the design permanently after they equip an armor item once, allowing them to match the outfit they want with the armor benefits they prefer. While it was nice to see Gearbox add different armor designs for the classes, it would be better to tie them to character creation as opposed to a piece of gear. With fully customizable bodies and the option to adjust armor designs in the Quick Change station, a good system for character creation could become a great one.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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