Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ approach to endgame content is also different, and while some love the focus on the Chaos Chamber, others are more down on it. Instead of raid bosses being treated as dedicated fights in their own locations, they can only be accessed through the Chaos Chamber. However, the method of reaching them is not the only unique thing about the game’s raid bosses, as they can also be tougher than the ones featured in Borderlands 2.

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Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ Raid Bosses Are More Challenging To Access

Outside of Vermivorous The Invincible, who requires a special method to spawn, the raid bosses in Borderlands 2 have dedicated arenas that players can return to as often as they like. Players spend some Eridium to access a specific room or chamber, and they are then free to attempt the raid boss until it is dead. With Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, it takes a bit more than a visit to a set location and an Eridium entry fee.

If players search thoroughly through a Chaos Chamber room, they have a chance to spot a glowing symbol on a wall. Each symbol is associated with a raid boss, with Barkenstein, Bunnidhogg, and Gloopathoth all able to be fought. Once activated, players need to complete a puzzle, with the shooting challenge for Barkenstein being particularly difficult. This challenge comes on top of the fact that players have to clear rooms of mobs before fighting the actual raid boss, exhausting their resources and risking death before the boss battle even begins.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ Raid Bosses Are Tougher Overall

Not only do players have to fight through several rooms and complete puzzles just to access a raid boss fight, but they also have to deal with a limited number of lives. With raid bosses like Terramorphous, players could return to the arena and keep fighting after death so long as another player was still alive within the arena. If gamers die enough times in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ Chaos Chamber, though, they will run out of lives, being unable to respawn and needing to go through an entire run again just to fight the boss.

The Maker is also a tougher raid boss than the ones seen in Borderlands 2 because even more work needs to go into unlocking the fight. Players need to battle all three raid bosses in one Chaos Chamber run, defeating them all just for a chance to fight the all-powerful Tiny Tina. The Maker also has an insta-kill attack, something that sets her apart from the raid bosses in the Borderlands franchise. Not only do the raid bosses take work to access, but the fights themselves can be more demanding and require better teamwork. All of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ raid bosses have a large variety of attacks to learn and avoid, too.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ raid boss count at launch is higher than Borderlands 2’s as well, as that game only featured Terramorphous and Vermivorous on day one. However, Borderlands 2’s DLC added several raid bosses, bringing the overall count to 10. With the Mirrors of Mystery DLC not bringing new raid bosses, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands will likely have a lower overall count than Borderlands 2 once its support comes to an end. Difficulty-wise, though, the current raid boss lineup can be very intimidating on higher Chaos levels.

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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