Titanic Hydra’s passive grants an additional attack power equal to 2% of extra health. In that case, the more health a player has, the more powerful the attack becomes.

This trait is undoubtedly ideal for a bruiser champion during team fights and has become increasingly popular among the elites.

However, combining Titanic Hydra with Twitch’s abilities, who surprisingly is not a Bruiser, showed unexpected results on execution. Here’s why this build is reviving the bottom lane meta and can be perfectly executed in League of Legends patch 11.15.

League of Legends might just have revived its infamous Plague Rat

There was a time when Twitch was a Summoners Rift regular, as he was built with AP core items like Riftmaker and Nashor’s Tooth. League of Legends’ Plague Rat was eventually forgotten after his E was nerfed two years back.

Thus, Twitch required something unique to become relevant in the game once again, and Titanic Hydra has somehow become a perfect fit. The champion’s win rate is surprisingly high with this item, even though it is still challenging to face powerful bot lane oppositions like Ziggs, Seraphine, and Veigar.

However, Twitch’s strength in late games is exceptionally high, and hardly anyone survives its ultimate.

Considering quality over quantity, Press the Attack is still the best option for Twitch rather than other items like Lethal Tempo. The other Rune keys for this build shall be Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and Coup De Grace.

For sub-branch, inspiration can be selected where Twitch can earn two traits to remain healthier in the bot lane: Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery. The order of the abilities’ execution shall be: E -> Q -> W -> R.

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