The myth that opposites attract is rarely ever true—couples with too many differences tend to get into fights more often.

You could also rub their feet after a long day, make them dinner when they’re hungry, or buy them flowers for a special occasion. Be kind when you talk with them, too. Even if you get frustrated or upset, try not to say anything mean or hurtful.

Try to do this in a quiet, private place. You’ll feel more connected to each other that way.

For instance, maybe your dream is to go to culinary school and become a professional chef. You can share this with the person who loves you, and they’ll probably support your dreams and tell you to go for it. Or, maybe you can open up about how you’re afraid of dying alone someday. The person who loves you might be able to relate, and it could spark a deep discussion between the two of you.

Repeated exposure is also key. You’re probably not going to fall in love the first time you meet someone, but you can make it happen if you hang out with them for a longer period of time.

This probably won’t happen on the first date, but you can try deeper conversation topics on the second or third dates.

This can (and probably will) feel pretty awkward at first. Try to push through the weird feelings and let it happen.

Your partner should maintain their own sense of self, too. If they become so dedicated to you that they don’t do anything else, it might not be the healthiest of relationships.

Try not to pull away from the person who loves you, and avoid the urge to ghost them or suddenly stop replying to them. If they ask you out on a date, accept it! If they open up to you, try to return the favor! If you’re really struggling with your feelings, it may be helpful to talk to a mental health professional.

There’s no specific timeline for how long you should wait for love to happen. However, if it’s been a few months, it’s probably time to move on.