There are many beautiful and admired women who are tall. For example, Cindy Crawford, Michelle Obama, Behati Prinsloo, Angelina Jolie, Venus and Serena Williams, and Maria Sharapova are all tall and admired.

People might think you’re older than you are. They might treat you more maturely or give you more leadership roles. [2] X Research source

It might feel like the end of the world, but it’s not. You won’t be the tallest person forever.

If you feel ashamed of your height, move into a place of acceptance, not dissatisfaction. Give yourself permission to have feelings about your height, but don’t let them take over your life.

If you’re upset by someone’s comments, tell an adult like a parent, teacher, or authority. If your friends make fun of you for being tall, tell them to stop. Give them an example of one of their traits being made fun of, and ask them how they would feel. If they don’t stop making fun of you, they are not real friends. Find new friends that treat you nicely.

If you don’t enjoy team sports, try dancing or rock climbing.

For example, say, “I am worthy and valuable just the way I am” or, “I accept my body and love it. ” You can also say, “I accept that I am tall,” or “I can make my tallness work for me. "

For example, you might be compassionate, helpful, kind, a good listener, and generous. If you can’t think of any good qualities of yourself, try developing your self-esteem.

For example, you might be compassionate, helpful, kind, a good listener, and generous. If you can’t think of any good qualities of yourself, try developing your self-esteem.

You also don’t have to be ashamed of your weight. You can talk openly about your weight and be okay with it. Just don’t compare your weight or try to lose weight because others weigh less than you. If your friends bring up weight, change the subject or go do something else.

Shop online for tall fitting sizes. Few mall stores have pants with inseams longer than 35 inches (88. 9 cm).

It’s okay to have sugars and sweets, just eat them on occasion.

Especially if you’re in the middle of a growth spurt or just completed one, it’s normal to feel different and think you look strange. Your friends are probably thinking the same things about their bodies, too.

Talk about the struggles of being tall and ask for advice in how to cope. For example, say, “How did you learn to be comfortable with your height?” or, “How did you cope with being taller than boys?”

Ask a short friend to talk. They may even say that they wish they were tall like you.

You might want to start at school and talk to your guidance counselor. You can also ask your parents or guardian about seeing a professional therapist through their insurance.