If you are having trouble brainstorming what your strengths are, ask a friend or family member what they think are your most positive traits.

When you realize that mistakes are learning opportunities and that your reality isn’t always fixed, you will be more likely to persist in the face of challenge, to persevere, and to grow in meaningful ways. Try to see challenges as learning opportunities, and as potential moments for growing. It’s all about how you perceive the situation.

If you don’t feel like just venting, try asking your friend or family member for advice on how to change or improve your life in the ways that you don’t want to accept.

To find a psychologist in your area, try this website: http://locator. apa. org/

Learning to be less self-critical. Learning to cope with problematic emotions. Learning to motivate yourself with encouragement rather than criticizing yourself.

Make sure your alarm is set on a quiet and pleasant sound to ease you out of your mindfulness session.

Also place your chair in the quietest part of your house to reduce distractions.

Feel the old breath coming up and out and sending some of your physical and mental tension away with it. Do your best to avoid slumping, but you might let your body relax a little.

If you find yourself thinking about something else, accept that your attention wandered but do not judge yourself. Just gently bring your mind back to focus on your breathing.

It can take a lot of practice to get this down, so do not give up! Know that it may take a while.