Possible intentions might include understanding why you have a short temper so you can learn to control it better, gaining clarity on your goals so you can make an important career decision, or getting in tune with your values so you can seek like-minded people for relationships.

For example, you might ask, “What professions did I have in my past lives?” or “Where did I live in my past lives?” or “Have I ever experienced a tragedy in a past life that is affecting my current life?”

Try saying something like, “I’m considering moving to a different city, but I change my mind a lot. Is there anything in my past that could help me to understand if this is the best choice for me?” Or you might say, “Lately I’ve been struggling to trust my significant other. I feel that this is based on something more than I am aware of in my present life. If I am correct, please provide me with the information on when and how this problem originated. ”

For example, you might start by asking, “Is my relationship going to result in marriage or are we just too different for things to work out?” Then, you might ask, “Will I get the promotion I have been working so hard to get, or will I have to wait?”

Remember to state your question as specifically as possible, such as by saying, “What professions did I hold in my past lives that may help me to find what I should be in this life?”

Try placing your hands on your stomach to help you focus on your breath.

There are also guided meditations available that you can use to help you access the Akashic records.

You may hear, feel, or see a response in your mind’s eye. Remain patient even if you get a negative response. This may only mean that you need to continue meditating and ask again.

Bear in mind that the information can take on different forms. You may hear, see, taste, feel, or even smell something that might be meant to convey a message to you. For example, if you’ve asked about your profession in a previous life, you might see a hammer in your mind’s eye, which could indicate that you were a carpenter or blacksmith. Or, you might experience a sweet taste, which could indicate that you were a baker.

Try saying something like, “Hello, my name is Jonah Johnson and I am looking for information about any phobias I had in my past lives. ”

For example, if you feel confident that you have learned about all of your past professions, you might move on to ask about your past relationships next.