How to Access Gmail in Pegasus Mail Using IMAP

To send and receive Gmail messages in Pegasus Mail using IMAP:

Make sure that you have enabled IMAP access for Gmail. Open Pegasus Mail and select Tools > Identities. Select Add. Type Gmail in the Name for new identity field, then select OK. Click on the Gmail identity, then select Become. Select Tools > Internet Options. Make sure the General tab is selected and enter your Gmail address in the My Internet e-mail address is field. Select the Sending (SMTP) tab and select Add. Select New. Under the General tab, type Gmail in the Enter a name for this definition field and type smtp. gmail. com in the Server host name field. Select the Security tab and select Via direct SSL connect under Use SSL/TLS security on this connection. Select Change. Select the box beside Login to the SMTP server using the following details, then type your Gmail username (your email address minus “@gmail. com”) and your account password. Select the General tab and make sure the Server TCP/IP port field is set to 465, then select OK. Select Gmail under Available SMTP definitions, then click Select. Select the box next to Send mail at once without placing in queue (unless you prefer having your mail delivered in batches), then select OK. Select Tools > IMAP Profiles. Select New. Make sure the Connection tab is active and provide the following information: Enter Gmail in the Enter a name for this definition field. Enter imap. gmail. com in the IMAP Server address field. Enter your Gmail username (the same you used for the SMTP server) and password in the appropriate fields. Select the Settings tab and check the box beside This server supports folders within folders under General behavior and characteristics. Select Delete them immediately and do not keep a safety copy under When deleting messages from folders in this mailbox. By default, deleting a Gmail message in Pegasus Mail will archive the message (if you delete it from the Inbox folder) or remove the label (if you delete it from another folder). To truly delete a message, move it to the Trash folder. Select the Performance tab and check the box beside Keep a utility connection open when this definition is active under Connection Management. Select the Security tab and check the box beside Via direct SSL connect under Use SSL/TLS security on this connection. Select Change. Select the Connection tab and make sure the Server port is set to 993, then select OK. Click Gmail under Existing Gmail profiles and select Connect, then select Done. Double click Gmail in the left pane, then select a folder to view its contents. It may take several minutes to retrieve all of your messages.

How to Access Gmail in Pegasus Mail Using POP

While there are more benefits to using IMAP to access Gmail, it’s also possible to access Gmail via POP in Pegasus Mail. After you enable POP access for your Gmail account, follow the steps above but use the Gmail POP server settings instead.

Enter Gmail in the Enter a name for this definition field. Enter imap. gmail. com in the IMAP Server address field. Enter your Gmail username (the same you used for the SMTP server) and password in the appropriate fields.