If you’re on the soccer team and she’s on the volleyball team at school, consider starting a conversation about sports. Start a conversation about a class you have together by saying something like, “I’m so glad that last chapter is over with. What did you think about last night’s reading?”

If she tells you that she did well on a test that she got back today, you might say, “That’s great! It doesn’t surprise me at all; you’re very smart and hard-working. ” If she has particularly attractive blue eyes, you might say, “I really like your eyes. They’re a very pretty blue. ”

Acknowledge her in the hallway by giving a casual wave, smiling, and making brief eye contact. Be careful not to smile excessively—you want things to feel natural, not forced. [2] X Expert Source Eddy BallerDating Coach Expert Interview. 7 February 2020.

If you want to ask her out, be bold and phrase it as a statement, not a question. For example, instead of asking, “Do you want to get coffee sometime?” you could say “We should get coffee sometime. "

Be unreceptive when she tries to make plans to meet up in the future. Tell her that you’re in a relationship with someone else. Tell her you’re really busy and don’t have time for a relationship right now. [9] X Research source

“I’m really sorry, but I don’t see you that way. ” “I think you’re great, but I’m looking for something else right now. ” “I’ve enjoyed talking with you, but I’m not really feeling a romantic connection between us. ”[12] X Research source