Don’t worry if you have a bit of trouble talking to your boyfriend at first. New relationships can be a little awkward, but you’ll both get better at it with time! Say something like, “So, how’d that math test go? I heard it was gonna be tough. ”

For instance, you might say, “Wow, is that a new shirt? I like it, it really brings out your eyes. ” Or, “You scored so many points last night, I could hardly keep up!”

You could also text him throughout the day if you want to up your flirting game. Something like, “I saw you in the hall earlier and you look great” will flatter him and make him feel good. Keep in mind that you should only be flirting with your boyfriend, not anyone else. If your boyfriend sees you sending flirty texts to other people, he’ll probably be upset, and your relationship could be on the line.

Depending on where you go to school, you might even get in trouble for large displays of affection. When in doubt, keep it to a minimum.

Similarly, you should try not to talk badly about him to your friends or parents, even if you two are in a fight.

If you want to bring him back to your place, make sure you ask your parents first. They might have some ground rules to talk about with you (like keeping the door open when he’s over).

Say something like, “I’ve always wanted to move to New York City after I graduate. What about you?” Sometimes guys have a hard time being vulnerable with other people. Don’t be offended if it takes him a while to open up to you.

For instance, maybe you saw him talking to a friend of his and he seemed a little too flirty. You can bring it up by saying, “Hey, I saw you talking to Makayla yesterday and you guys seemed pretty close. What were you talking about?” He’ll hopefully be able to put an end to any fears or doubts you have.

There will probably be some times when he just wants to hang with his friends without you, and that’s okay! It’s important that you both have friendships outside of each other.

Similarly, you shouldn’t demand that your boyfriend stop being friends with someone or unfollow them on social media because you’re jealous. That’s a sign of an unhealthy relationship, and it can cause problems between you two. [9] X Expert Source Joshua PompeyRelationship Expert Expert Interview. 27 November 2019.

If he’s in a lot of extracurriculars, you don’t have to go to every single one (especially if it’s making you fall behind on your school work). However, try to make an effort to go to the big ones, like homecoming or the last performance of the year.

Make sure you get good grades, too! Don’t let your homework fall by the wayside just because you’re in a relationship.

If you have any games or performances, invite him to come support you! It will be a fun way for him to see what you do after school.

Make an effort to still hang out with your friends, too! When people get into new relationships, they can sometimes push their friendships to the side for a little while. You don’t have to text or call him all the time, either. Sending a few texts back and forth is great, but give him some time to miss you, too. [14] X Expert Source Joshua PompeyRelationship Expert Expert Interview. 27 November 2019.