You could say, “Hey, you’re a pretty good cook. . . almost as good as my six year old sister!” Tease him about his Stars Wars obsession or his inexplicable love for weird foods. Look for other ways to find humor in everyday situations as well. Doing this will help to reduce any feelings of awkwardness and help your boyfriend associate being around you with having fun.

Start a food fight or have a wrestling match. Have a dance party and take tons of goofy selfies.

Invite your boyfriend over for a family BBQ, or have a cuddly movie night. Have a pool day, stop for an after-school snack, or go on a hike!

Think about the activities you enjoy and the people you love. If you’re changing any of those for your boyfriend, stop. Make a list of your strengths and good qualities. Maybe you’re a hilarious friend or a super talented artist. Embrace and celebrate your positive qualities! Your boyfriend should, too. [4] X Research source If he doesn’t accept you for who you are, he’s not worth your time.

Your boyfriend shouldn’t be your whole world. It’s important to spend time with the other awesome people in your life and take time for yourself. [6] X Research source

Talk to your boyfriend about boundaries. What kinds of touching are you comfortable with? How do you feel about PDA? Don’t feel pressured to have sex. It’s a big decision, and should be something you talk about in depth with your boyfriend and your parents.

Ask him questions about the things he loves to do. If he loves playing the piano, you could ask, “What’s your favorite song to play?” Your boyfriend should also make an effort to understand your interests. Share with your boyfriend what interests you as well to ensure that you are both learning about each other’s interests.

For sporting events, make a poster with his name on it and bring your loudest cheering voice!

Surprise him with a back massage after a tough day. Leave encouraging notes in his backpack or locker. Say something cute like, “Just wanted to tell you that you’re awesome!”

The best thing you can do is show up and try to be friendly. Try to understand why your boyfriend loves his friends. Maybe you’ll learn to love them, too! Remember that it takes time to get to know people. If you feel like you don’t click with his friends right away, be patient.

If you’re upset because he’s been ignoring you at school, let him know. If you’re pumped about the award you just won, tell him. Imagine your boyfriend looks agitated. You could say, “Hey, you look kind of angry. What’s up?”

You might say, “So, it seems like you’re angry at your mom. Why is that?” Nod and say phrases “yes” or “I see” to show that you’re listening. [13] X Research source

You can send him a text saying, “We need to talk. Can we meet up around three today?”

You could say something like, “I realize that I shouldn’t have made fun of you. I’m really sorry. ”

Don’t yell or raise your voice. It could make you both angrier. If you’re getting too angry to have a calm conversation, tell your boyfriend that you need to finish the conversation later when you’ve cooled down.