Make plans with people who have positive attitudes. Make plans with the co-worker who always brings in muffins on a Wednesday. Call family members you can count on to have a positive attitude. If your mom is always looking on the bright side of life, give her a call every Sunday to keep your spirits up. Avoid friends who are negative. You do not have to end these friendships. However, try not to engage with complaining or other negative thought patterns.

As the speaker talks, offer verbal and non-verbal cues that you are paying attention. Smile, nod, and offer responses like, “Yes” and “Uh-huh” on occasion. When the speaker finishes talking, reiterate what was just said. Summarize the main points the speaker made to assure that you understood. For example, “I’m hearing that you feel stressed because you have a deadline coming up at work. " Do not plan what you have to say ahead of time. Simply listen to the speaker, giving him or her your full attention.

When you hear someone engaging in negative talk about a friend or co-worker, try to turn the conversation to the positive. For example, someone says something like, “Did you hear Patrick having a screaming fight with his dad on the phone before class yesterday?” Respond with something like, “Patrick is such a nice person! I hope he can work out his family problems. “[2] X Research source Positive gossip can encourage others to look for the best in those around them. It can improve your relationships at work and in your social circle. It can also make you come across as an upbeat person, adding to your perky image. [3] X Research source

Never engage in negativity. If someone is complaining continually about a problem or issue, disengage as soon as you can. Say something like, “I’m sorry you feel that way. I hope it gets better. " Then, end the conversation. When you’re around people who have a negative outlook, stick to lighter topics. Talk about the weather and TV shows rather than anything heavy. A negative person is likely to put a pessimistic spin on bigger issues, so avoid talking about your personal or professional life with negative people. Be mindful of how much time you spend with negative people. The people you spend the most of your time with should bring you up and not down. Seek to lessen contact with people who are consistently negative thinkers.

Go to bed and get up on roughly the same time each day. Your body runs on a circadian rhythm that adjusts to a regular schedule. If you set your bedtime for 11 PM each day, and your wake-up time for 8 AM, your body will wake up and fall asleep naturally at those times. [4] X Research source Have a bedtime ritual. This can help signal to your body that it’s time for sleep. Do something relaxing before bed. Take a warm bath, read a book, or have a small snack. [5] X Research source Avoid going on your computer or phone close to bedtime. The light emitted by electronic screens stimulates brain activity, making sleep difficult. [6] X Research source

Women should get 300 milligrams of magnesium a day. Men should strive for 350 milligrams. You should talk to your doctor about healthy ways to reach these levels. [8] X Research source Foods high in magnesium include hazelnuts, cashews, whole grains, and bran-based products. Halibut is also high in magnesium. [9] X Research source

Try to exercise for 20 to 30 minutes at least 3 times a week. [11] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source Pick a form of exercise you enjoy. If you loathe running, you’ll struggle to stay on a schedule. If a long bike ride is incredibly relaxing for you, try biking instead. Talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise regimen. You want to make sure you do not strain yourself.

Pick a healthy breakfast. Go for something like oatmeal, whole grain cereal, or yogurt and fruit. If you don’t have time for a sit down breakfast, at least grab something small. Even a piece of fruit or bread is better than nothing. Grab a banana on your way out the door in the morning.

Meditation, deep breathing, and yoga are all great activities that help you better manage your stress. Look into medication and yoga classes in your area. You can also find guided routines online. If you have trouble managing stress on your own, consider talking to a psychiatrist or therapist. Many mental health disorders, like generalized anxiety disorder, are marked by an inability to cope with stress. You can find a therapist through your insurance or by asking for a referral from your regular doctor. If you are a student, you may be entitled to free counseling through your college or university.

Bring a water bottle with you to work or school. Take a sip when you find yourself getting thirsty. Drink a glass of water with each meal. If you exercise, make sure to stop and drink water throughout your workout.

Go for whole grains over processed grains whenever possible. Select wheat bread over white bread on a sandwich, for example. Swap out normal noodles for spaghetti with whole grain noodles. Read labels. A lot of products, like canned pasta sauce and spread for bread, are surprisingly high in added sugar. Make sure you’re not inadvertently consuming high amounts of sugar from unexpected sources.

Do not say anything to yourself you would not say to another person. If you find yourself beating yourself up, pause and think about what you are saying. What would you say to a friend or loved one in a similar position?[17] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source For example, say you miss a deadline at work. You had a stressful week emotionally, and your job fell to the wayside. You may say to yourself, “What’s wrong with you? You should be more responsible. " Stop. What would you say to a friend in this situation? You would probably tell a friend something like, “Everyone makes mistakes. This isn’t a reflection of you. Try not to hold onto it and just do better next time. " Be as gentle and encouraging with yourself as you would with others. When facing setbacks or difficulties, say nice things to yourself. Reaffirm your good qualities. For example, say something like, “You made a mistake, but this isn’t a reflection of you. I know you’ll do better tomorrow. “[18] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source

Many people engage in filtering. This means you magnify negative aspects of a situation while ignoring the positive ones. For example, three co-workers complimented on your new haircut but you overheard one co-worker making a catty comment. While the majority of people were nice, you may latch on to the negative comment. [19] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source You may also personalize problems. If something negative occurs, for example, you may blame yourself. A friend fails to return a call and you assume it’s something you’ve done when, in reality, a variety of factors can affect someone’s ability to answer phone calls. [20] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source You may also be guilty of catastrophizing or polarizing issues. For example, if you have a bad morning, you assume the rest of your day will be a disaster. Your co-worker disagrees with you on how to pursue a project. You see your side as the right side, without recognizing the middle ground. [21] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source If you catch yourself engaging in any of the above thought patterns, try to stop yourself. Remind yourself that many people get trapped in negative thought patterns, which are almost always irrational. Recognizing thought patterns as they’re happening can increase your overall energy, making you a more energetic, cheerful person. [22] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source

Many setbacks can occur from one day to the next. For example, say you are 5 minutes late for work due to an accident on the highway. You may find yourself thinking, “I should have woken up earlier. I could have avoided this setback. Why am I so unmotivated?” Stop and imagine another person in this scenario. What would you say to that person? Try to say that to yourself. For example, take a deep breath and think, “I am not normally late, and these were unforeseen circumstances. No one is perfect and I’m allowed to have the occasional mix up. "

If something goes wrong, try to crack a joke. If you spill coffee on your keyboard at work, for example, joke about your clumsy nature. Laughing off troubling times can help you feel perkier. Try to watch humorous films and TV shows. If you saturate yourself in humorous material, it’s likely to rub off on you. You’ll be able to make jokes in your day-to-day life more easily.

Smile. It’s a small change, but a powerful one. Many studies indicate that smiling actually affects your mood. If you smile, you will feel happier. [25] X Research source Sit up straight. Your posture also has a profound effect on your mood and overall perkiness. Sitting up straight throughout the day can lead to a higher overall energy level, resulting in a perkier attitude. [26] X Research source Adopt a power stance. If you carry your body in a way that conveys confidence, you’ll feel perkier. Lean back when sitting down. When standing, place your feet flat on the floor, push your shoulders back, and move your chest forward. [27] X Research source