Slumping your shoulders forward Bending your torso downward Sitting with your torso bent toward your knees

On the other hand, you might be able to use the element of surprise to your advantage. If you can start crying suddenly, you might shock people and make them believe that you are genuinely sad.

If you want to act sad so that someone will realize that they hurt you, think about how the person upset you, in addition to using physical signs to convey sadness. If you want to act sad so that people will leave you alone, focus your thoughts on why it is that you genuinely want solitude.

Try sighing quietly as you gaze downward, especially when you know other people are looking at you. When someone asks you a question like “How’s it going?,” sigh and look downward before responding with something like “I don’t know,” or “Not great. ”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just don’t have any energy today. ” “I just didn’t want to get out of bed today. ” “I want to just crawl under a blanket and go back to sleep. ”

If your friends always go out to the movies on the weekend, tell them you just don’t feel like it this week. If people show you something they expect you to find fun or interesting, like a new cat video, act like you just don’t care. If you are known as a big fan of something, like a sport, video game, or music, announce that you’ve lost interest in it.

For instance, when someone comes up to talk to you, don’t look at the person. When he or she starts talking to you, don’t respond right away. Keep looking away, and after a few seconds look up at the person and say something like “What was that?” or “I’m sorry, I was lost in thought—what did you say?”

Walking alone behind other people when you have to travel in a group. Going into another room by yourself when you are at home with others. Standing in a corner by yourself when you have to be indoors with others. Walking away from other people without saying anything to any of them. Not responding when other people try to communicate with you by text, email, phone, or in any other way.