If she loves a particular movie with a dance scene in it, try to recreate it with her.

Be sure to do this when things are calm and normal. If you know she’s upset about something or you just had a serious conversation, it’s not a good idea. Don’t hit her too hard! A light bonk is all you need to start a pillow duel. If it’s summertime, consider a water balloon fight instead!

When you’re done, snuggle up in your blanket fort and watch a movie or listen to music.

Girls drop a lot of hints about what they want. If you want to impress her, listen to the things she’s hinting about and do them for her. [3] X Research source [4] X Expert Source Lisa ShieldDating Coach Expert Interview. 13 December 2018. They love surprises. You can give her a surprise party, cook her favorite meal, or take her to her favorite place. [5] X Research source [6] X Expert Source Lisa ShieldDating Coach Expert Interview. 13 December 2018. You can give her a thoughtful gift that shows you know her well. [7] X Research source [8] X Expert Source Lisa ShieldDating Coach Expert Interview. 13 December 2018.

If you’re certain your girlfriend enjoys sarcastic remarks, dark humor, or light teasing, go for it! It all depends on her humor style. If you aren’t sure, don’t go there.

For example, if your girlfriend always steals the blanket when you snuggle up to watch movies, you could playfully call her “Blanket Monster. ”[11] X Research source Keep in mind that you don’t have to stick with just 1 nickname! You can continually change it up to fit the situation.

You could also just do an impression of something hilarious that you’ve both talked about, like her neighbor’s high-pitched laugh. [12] X Trustworthy Source Greater Good Magazine Journal published by UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, which uses scientific research to promote happier living Go to source

You might take her sandwich out of the fridge and leave a note that says, “I’m holding your precious sandwich hostage. Unless you meet my demand of 10 kisses, you won’t be having lunch today. ”

For example, for a nature documentary narration, you could say something like, “Watch the elusive Kristin as she devours a pizza slice in her natural habitat. She stalks her slice from the couch before she goes in for the kill. . . ”

For example, you could say, “You think that was bad? I once tripped and fell flat on my face during a school play!”