Go to Hulu’s main site and click on the “Hulu Plus” tab on the top of the page. Click the “Try it Now” button to go through the process of signing up for your account. You will need to enter your email address, credit card information and a few other personal details. The cost of Hulu is approximately $7. 99 per month (5 pounds or 5. 6 euros).

To sign up, you will need to read and agree with the terms and conditions, enter your name, date of birth and address. Then, create a username and password and a User ID that is viewed by the public. You can also choose to enter your credit card details if you intend to buy games or applications.

Although you can find the PlayStation Store on your PlayStation menu in a number of places, 1 commonly used way is to go to the “Games” icon on the XMB and scroll down to the PlayStation Store. The Games icon is a picture of a gaming controller.