Use this method if you have a GIF saved to your computer. If you don’t have a file on your computer, you can add a GIF by using a URL instead.

If the GIF is saved in your Google Drive, you can instead choose “Google Drive” from the drop-down.

You can also make your own GIFs to add to your Google Slide presentation. If you have an Android, iPhone, or iPad, you can add GIFs like you’re adding images. Tap + > Image and choose a location, then tap the image to use.

Use this method if you don’t have a GIF saved to your computer, but have the URL to one instead. If you’re having trouble finding a GIF, there are plenty of sites like GIPHY that have plenty that you can link to.

Right-click on a GIF and select Copy Image Address to copy the URL for the GIF.

If you don’t see Format Options above the editing space, you can also click the Format tab in the editing ribbon, then select Format Options near the bottom of the menu.

If you don’t see Format Options above the editing space, you can also click the Format tab in the editing ribbon, then select Format Options near the bottom of the menu.

If you don’t see Format Options above the editing space, you can also click the Format tab in the editing ribbon, then select Format Options near the bottom of the menu.

Size & Rotation Position Recolor - to change the hue of the GIF. Adjustments - change the transparency, brightness, and contrast of your GIF. Drop Shadow - click this box first to enable the drop shadow Reflection - click the box first to enable a reflection