These page titles may be elsewhere on the page depending on the site layout that you chose.

These page titles may be elsewhere on the page depending on the site layout that you chose.

If you want to use a photo from Google Drive instead, click Images in the “INSERT” section, then click the Google Drive tab, select a photo, click Select, and skip ahead to the “Adjust your photo’s position” step.

If the photo that you want to use is elsewhere, click that folder instead.

You can also add a link to the photo by clicking the photo to select it, clicking the chainlink-shaped “Link” icon in the grey bar that appears, entering a URL, and clicking APPLY.

You can also select different screen types (e. g. , tablets or phones) by clicking the appropriate screen shape in the lower-right corner of the page. This will ensure that you know how your site will appear on mobile as well as on desktop.

Depending on your site layout, you may find the page markers at the top of the page instead.

Depending on your site layout, you may find the page markers at the top of the page instead.

If you want to use an image that’s already online, copy the image’s link, then click the “Web address (URL)”, paste the URL into the text field at the top of the window, and wait until the image appears. You can then skip ahead to the “Add alternative text” step.

If the photo that you want to use is elsewhere, click that folder instead.

This step is optional.

Alignment - Click one of the horizontal bar icons on the left side of the bar to align the photo to the left, in the center, or to the right of the page. Size - Click S, M, or L to make the photo small-, medium-, or large-sized. You can also click 100% to set the photo as its largest size, or click Original to use the photo’s original dimensions. Wrap - Click one of the box-shaped icons on the right side of the bar to turn on or off text wrap.