Add an Image to a Contact in Gmail

To set up a picture for a Gmail contact:

Open a web browser, go to Gmail, and sign in. Go to the upper-right corner of the Gmail screen and select the Google apps icon. Choose Contacts. Hover over a contact to display a set of icons on the right. Select Edit contact (the pencil icon). Select Set contact photo (the portrait icon). In the Pick a photo window, select Upload photo. In the Open dialog box, choose an image, then select Open. In the image editing window, move or resize the selection box so that the part of the picture you want to appear as the profile image is highlighted. The picture can also be rotated. Select Done when the image appears the way you want. In the Edit contact window, the image replaces the default portrait icon. Add or change other contact information, if needed. Select Save. Gmail displays the contact’s new profile, including the new image.