Blueberries and acai also contain antioxidants, which are good for your body because they fight free radicals. [3] X Research source Sucrose, or regular table sugar, is also a simple carb, but it’s healthier to get sugar from natural dairy or fruit sources. Avoid just dumping pure sugar into your shake. Measure 2 oz. (56 g) of yogurt and blend it into your shake. Choose any flavor you like for great carb boost and taste.

Whey protein is the most common choice for bulking up a shake with starch. You can get whey protein at many health food stores. On top of that, add some starchy vegetables like sweet peas, pumpkin, squash, or yams — it will add texture and flavor, as well. It may seem strange to add vegetables to your shake, but it can result in some tasty and nutritious outcomes. Use fresh veggies, not frozen or dried.

For example, add 2 oz. (56 g) of strawberries or sliced apples. Some brands of whey protein contain fiber as well as starch. Check the nutrition facts to know for sure. [7] X Trustworthy Source US Food and Drug Administration U. S. government agency responsible for promoting public health Go to source

Some other delicious nuts and seeds to add to your protein shake include flaxseed, chia seeds, hemp seeds. You can also add in a few tablespoons of your favorite nut butter. [9] X Expert Source Melody Sayers, MS, RD, NASM-CPTRegistered Dietician & Personal Trainer Expert Interview. 6 May 2020.

Ensure that your protein has low levels of cholesterol, which is not a necessary addition to healthy protein options. Determine if the additive contains natural proteins. Artificially produced proteins aren’t as effective in building muscles as natural proteins. This should be apparent on the label — if not, ask a sales representative.