Ex. 1: 1/4 + 2/4 Ex. 2: 3/8 + 2/8 + 4/8

Ex. 1: 1/4 + 2/4 is our equation. “1” and “2” are the numerators. That means 1 + 2 = 3. Ex. 2: 3/8 + 2/8 + 4/8 is our equation. “3” and “2” and “4” are the numerators. That means 3 + 2 + 4 = 9.

Ex. 1: 3 is our new numerator, and 4 is our new denominator. This gives us an answer of 3/4. 1/4 + 2/4 = 3/4. Ex. 2: 9 is our new numerator, and 8 is our new denominator. This gives us an answer of 9/8. 3/8 + 2/8 + 4/8 = 9/8.

Ex. 1: 3 is our new numerator, and 4 is our new denominator. This gives us an answer of 3/4. 1/4 + 2/4 = 3/4. Ex. 2: 9 is our new numerator, and 8 is our new denominator. This gives us an answer of 9/8. 3/8 + 2/8 + 4/8 = 9/8.

Ex. 1: 3 is our new numerator, and 4 is our new denominator. This gives us an answer of 3/4. 1/4 + 2/4 = 3/4. Ex. 2: 9 is our new numerator, and 8 is our new denominator. This gives us an answer of 9/8. 3/8 + 2/8 + 4/8 = 9/8.

If the numerator is bigger than the denominator, like it is in Ex. 2, that means we can take out at least one whole number. Divide the top number by the bottom number. When we divide 9 by 8, we get 1 whole number and a remainder of 1. Put the whole number out in front of the fraction and the remainder in the numerator of the new fraction, leaving the denominator the same. 9/8 = 1 1/8.

Ex. 3: 1/3 + 3/5 Ex. 4: 2/7 + 2/14 Ex. 5: 1/8 + 1/6

Ex. 3: 3 x 5 = 15. Since there is no number other than 1 that can be divided into both 3 and 5, 15 is the lowest common denominator. Both of our fractions will have a denominator of 15. Ex. 4: 14 is a multiple of 7. So all we have to do is multiply 7 by 2 to get 14. Both of our fractions will have a denominator of 14.

Ex. 3: 1/3 x 5/5 = 5/15. Ex. 4: For this fraction, we only have to multiply the first fraction by 2, because that’s what gives us our common denominator. 2/7 x 2/2 = 4/14.

2/7 x 2/2 = 4/14.

Ex. 3: 3/5 x 3/3 = 9/15. Ex. 4: We don’t need to multiply the second fraction because both fractions already have their common denominators.

Ex. 3: instead of 1/3 + 3/5, we have 5/15 + 9/15 Ex. 4: instead of 2/7 + 2/14, we have 4/14 + 2/14

Ex. 3: 5 + 9 = 14. 14 will be our new numerator. Ex. 4: 4 + 2 = 6. 6 will be our new numerator.

Ex. 3: 15 will be our new denominator. Ex. 4: 14 will be our new denominator.

Ex. 3: 14/15 is our answer to 1/3 + 3/5 = ? Ex. 4: 6/14 is our answer to 2/7 + 2/14 = ?

Ex. 3: 14/15 cannot be simplified. Ex. 4: 6/14 can be reduced to 3/7 by dividing both the top and the bottom numbers by 2, the greatest common factor.