How To Find Trainer ID in ‘Pokemon Unite’

Given that Pokemon Unite supports crossplay functionality, Nintendo Switch and cell phone users will be able to join the same matches and can even add each other as friends.

This is enabled by what is known as the “Trainer ID” system. In a nutshell, everybody who plays Pokemon Unite (irrespective of their platform) will have a unique alphanumeric code allocated to them.

You can find out what your own Trainer ID is by opening your profile. On Nintendo Switch, this means that you will need to press the ZL button from the home screen. On mobile you just need to tap on the small passport-style photo of your trainer avatar (located in the top left-hand corner of the screen).

When you open this menu, you will be presented with a list of options on the left and a picture of your avatar on the right. Beneath the latter, your alphanumeric Trainer ID is displayed in light blue text.

You can add friends across both cell phone and Nintendo Switch platforms by using this code.

How To Add Friends in ‘Pokemon Unite’ on Nintendo Switch

To add a friend using the Nintendo Switch, press the ZL button while in the home screen and then scroll down through the list of options until you find the “Friends” button.

Within this “Friends” menu, there are two tabs. The first of these displays all your current friends in Pokemon Unite, while the bottom one allows you to search for new friends.

With the latter option highlighted, you can press the “–” button to add any players (who own Pokemon Unite) already in your existing Nintendo Account friends list.

Alternatively, if you are trying to add somebody who is not already your friend on Nintendo Switch, or who is playing on a cell phone, you will instead need to press X. This will allow you to manually type their Trainer ID and find them that way.

How To Add Friends in ‘Pokemon Unite’ on Cell Phones

On cell phones, the process is almost exactly the same, except that the button presses are obviously replaced with screen taps.

From the main home screen, you will need to tap on the icon of your trainer avatar in the top left-hand corner. Then, scroll down until you find the “Friends” button.

Tapping this will take you to a version of the “Friends” menu that is almost identical to the one you would find on the Nintendo Switch.

Tap on the “Friend Search” button and then on the search bar at the top of the screen. From here, you will be able to manually enter the Trainer ID of your friend.

How To Transfer Your Nintendo Switch Progress to a Cell Phone

Those who have been playing Pokemon Unite since its launch on the Nintendo Switch will naturally want to keep all their unlocks and cosmetic rewards when they move to a cell phone.

Fortunately, this is quite straightforward to do, as the game will give you an option to transfer your progress when you first launch it on mobile. At the start screen, you will have a choice between either creating a new account or transferring “access to data”.

By choosing the latter option, you will then be able to sign in with either your Nintendo or Pokemon Trainer Club account. After entering in your username and password, a pop-up message will appear asking you to verify that you want to complete the transfer. If you tap “Ok”, then all of your progress from the Nintendo Switch will be carried over to your cell phone.

Given that this is not a one-way transfer, you will then be able to go back and forth between both devices and your progress (including your aeos ticket, fashion tickets, coins and gems) will always be synchronized.

Pokemon Unite is available now on Nintendo Switch, iOS and Android devices.