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If the new character folder has multiple DEF files in it, just make sure that the base one matches the folder name. For example, LINK_3D may have multiple DEF files for the different versions. As long as the “LINK_3D. def” file matches the folder name, you should be OK.

If the new character folder has multiple DEF files in it, just make sure that the base one matches the folder name. For example, LINK_3D may have multiple DEF files for the different versions. As long as the “LINK_3D. def” file matches the folder name, you should be OK.

If your character came with multiple versions, add the base DEF file to the end of the folder name. For example, if your LINK_3D character came with multiple versions, type LINK_3D/LINK_3D. def instead of LINK_3D. This will tell MUGEN to load the base DEF file, which will process the rest of the versions There may be lots of comments in your “select. def” file. These are indicated by ; at the start of the line. Make sure that you enter the characters on lines that don’t start with ;.

Add , order=# to the end of the character’s entry in the “select. def” file. For example, to set LINK_3D as Order 3, type LINK_3D, order=3

Move the MP3 file into the sound folder if the stage came with one.

Move the MP3 file into the sound folder if the stage came with one.

The “select. def” file is located in the data folder.

Add a comma to the end of the character entry plus the path to the stage name. For example, to set LINK_3D to always appear on the Castle. def stage, you would type LINK_3D, stages/Castle. def. Add the order of the character at the end of the entry. For example, LINK_3D, stages/Castle. def, order=3