This feature is only available if your video is less than 6 hours long and has fewer than 100,000 views. The only exception to the 100,000 views restriction is if you’re a part of the YouTube Partner Program. [1] X Research source

This feature is only available if your video is less than 6 hours long and has fewer than 100,000 views. The only exception to the 100,000 views restriction is if you’re a part of the YouTube Partner Program. [1] X Research source

If you’ve already uploaded the video you want to edit, just click the X at the top-right corner of the “Upload videos” screen and skip to Step 7.

If you just uploaded the video and it’s not finished processing, you won’t see a thumbnail yet. Wait until the video is finished processing and the thumbnail appears before you click.

Drag the blue bar with the inserted audio to any location in the video. To trim the audio, hover the mouse cursor over the beginning and/or end of the track’s blue rectangle until the icon changes to a double-headed arrow, then click and drag to the desired position. If you want to keep the original audio and play the inserted audio in the background, click the icon of settings sliders and lower the mix level.