Social login dramatically simplifies the process of setting up user accounts on a website.

This alternative sign-in method allows you to access the website in a matter of seconds rather than filling out traditional registration forms and remembering those lengthy passwords. Let’s get started.

What Is Super Socializer?

Super Socializer is a WordPress plugin that allows your website visitors to sign in on your websites using their social media accounts. Thus, it fetches the required information from their accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.), and instantly sets them up.

The plugin has Social Commenting, Social Login, and Social Sharing sections. You can control specific settings to allow your audience to log in on your website, comment on your posts, or share any article they want. You can also control the position of social media login buttons on your website.

There are many similar plugins available, but the simplicity in the setting up process of this plugin makes it a go-to choice. So, without further ado, here’s how to set up the plugin.

Installing the Super Socializer Plugin

  1. Go to the Plugins section of your WordPress dashboard and click on Add New.

  2. Search for Super Socializer. Install and activate the plugin.

Enable Social Login Feature

Super Socializer is visible in your website admin panel’s left sidebar after you install and activate the plugin. Firstly, you need to enable the social login before moving on to integrating them onto your website.

Let’s see how you can enable it.

  1. Go to super socializer and click social logins.

  2. Enable social logins and tap save changes.

Adding the Social Network of Your Choice

In the basic configuration settings for this plugin, you can control the type and number of social networks that users can register with on your website.

Enable a few options from the list, and once enabled, connect your website to all the social networks you want to allow your visitors to log in with.

There are a few other settings here, including the Application ID and Application Secret Key that you can explore more. Refer to the step-by-step instructions via the question mark icons.

Let’s enable only Google from a list of social networks and discuss how you can integrate it as social login on your website.

Connect Your WordPress Website With Google

To connect the plugin with Google, you need Google Client ID and Google Client Secret, as shown below.

To get these credentials, you’ll have first to set up a project in Google Developers Console. Then, you can generate a Client ID and Client Secret based on the information you add to the project.

Setting Up the Project

  1. Log in to Google Developers Console and create a new project.

  2. Give your project a name, set location, and click create.

  3. Click on the Oauth consent screen under the APIs and services menu.

  4. Add the details such as application name, support email and website address, etc.

After setting up the project, you can now generate the required credentials.

Generating Required Credentials

1. Go to the APIs and services setting and click create credentials.

  1. Click the Oauth Client ID link in the Create Credentials section.

  2. This will take you to the Create Oauth Client ID page.

  3. Click the Create button after entering the application type.

Your credentials will appear in a pop-up window.

  1. Copy and paste your Client ID and your Client Secret in the WordPress dashboard to connect your website to Google.

  2. Save changes.

Adding the Social Login Buttons Where You Want Them

The Social Login and sharing features can be enabled anywhere on your website.

For instance, the buttons are typically placed on your login form. However, you can also place them on the registration form, comment form, WooCommerce customer login form, and many other places.

  1. Go to the advanced configurations in the plugin settings.

  2. Next, you can choose the place where you want your social login buttons to appear.

  3. Once you’ve added your Google login to your website, make sure to click save changes.

Checkmark all locations where you intend to place the login and sharing buttons.

Now the Google login option is set up on your website at your selected locations, and you can allow your customers to log in using their Google account.

Activate Facebook Login

  1. Enable Facebook from the list of social networks in the basic configurations of the plugin.

  2. Like Google, you need to get the credentials with FACEBOOK For Developers to connect your website with Facebook.

  3. Log in to your Facebook account.

  4. Click Get started on the top right corner.

  5. Click on create app to enter your website information.

  6. A pop-up will appear. Add the app display name and email address here.

  7. Find Facebook login and then click set up from the list of products that will appear on your screen.

  8. From the list of platforms, select Web.

  9. Enter your website URL in the web section.

  10. Go to Settings > Basic on the left-hand side.

Here, you can see the App ID and App Secret details. Copy and paste them into the app settings on your WordPress dashboard.

That’s all there is to add social logins to your WordPress site.

Add Social Logins on Your Website to Increase Engagement

No one can deny users’ desire for a fast and easy login and registration process. It would be ideal to allow them to log in without remembering yet another username and password combination. Logging in with social networking information is the most straightforward way to accomplish this.

The audience of your website will be more likely to interact and engage with your site if you provide WordPress social login functionality. Consequently, more people will sign up and register. Thus, adding social login to WordPress is an easy way to boost your traffic.

In addition to adding social logins, you can try chatbot plugins to boost your communication on your WordPress website.