Linking your email address with your YouTube channel is easy, and you can achieve it using YouTube Studio. Here’s how to get started.

How to Display Your Email Address on Your YouTube Channel

First, log in to your YouTube account and follow these steps to add your email address to your channel:

Look to the upper-right corner of the YouTube homepage, and click your profile picture. Then, select YouTube Studio from the dropdown. Once you get to YouTube Studio, scroll down on the left sidebar and select Customization. Go to Basic info. Then, scroll to the bottom of that page, and you’ll see the Contact info section. Fill in the email field under that section with your email address. Click Publish to enact the changes.

Now that you’ve added your email address to your channel, your viewers can contact you directly instead of making a public comment.

If you want to check if your email address has been successfully added to your channel, here’s how to do that:

Go back to your channel by clicking your profile picture at the top-right corner of YouTube Studio. Select Your channel. Once on your channel’s homepage, go to About. Scroll to the bottom of that page, and you’ll see a callout button that says View email Address.  It means you’ve linked your email address with your YouTube channel successfully.

Keep the Conversation Going on YouTube

It builds more trust between you and your viewers when they can easily reach out to you. It’s a display of your tenacity, and also lets you receive business inquiries. However, in addition to adding your email address to your YouTube channel, it’s a good idea to give viewers access to your social media handles as well.