“Excuse me, Miss Lauren?” “Thank you, Mister Hill. ” “Hi Miss, can you point me in the right direction?”

“Excuse me, nurse?” “Thank you, nurse!” “Good morning, nurse. How would you like to be addressed?” Even though a Nurse Practitioner may serve in a doctor-like role, they should still be addressed as “nurse” rather than “doctor. ”

“Thank you, Emily!” “Can you get John for me?” “Sarah, which medication am I supposed to take first?”

“Hi, I’m looking for Nurse Claire. ” “Thank you, Nurse Kyle!” “Where’s Nurse Jones?”

They may say something like, “Hi, I’m Dr. Johnson and I’m your Nurse Practitioner. You can call me Justin. ” They may just introduce themself without their title, like “Hi there, I’m Jackie and I’ll be your nurse today. ” The nurse’s name tag may or may not indicate they have a DNP. Chances are they’ll tell you this information when you meet.

“Good morning, Officer Williams. ” “Excuse me, Lieutenant Brown?” “You’ll be working with Captain Schumacher today. ”

“To: Joan Smith, RN” “For Kevin McNamara, NP” “Jack Klein, APRN”

“Dear Joanna” “Dear Mr. Weiss” “Dear Miss Andrews”