If you’ve had problems with your toilet clogging, then you probably need more water for a stronger flush. A telltale sign that your flush is too strong is that there is a lot of water left in the bowl when you hear the “glug” sound of the toilet flushing. The bowl should be nearly empty when you hear that sound. If the water is still above the drain hole when you hear the “glug,” reduce the toilet’s flush level.

There might still be some water on the bottom of the tank. Don’t worry, the tank doesn’t have to be completely empty.

Some dual flush systems use sticks on the lid to press the flush mechanism. If your lid has sticks like these, then lay it on its side to avoid damaging them.

Raising the water level above that line gives you a more powerful flush by letting more water out. Lowering the water level weakens the flush. If your toilet was not originally a dual-flush, then you almost certainly have to readjust the mechanism to fill differently.

The notch can be hard to reach. If you’re having trouble, use a long screwdriver to push the notch instead.

It takes a bit of trial and error to get the valve position right. Try going 1 inch (2. 5 cm) in the direction you need, then making adjustments later on if you need to.

Some mechanisms don’t require a screwdriver, and you can just turn the dial by hand. In this case, turn the dial clockwise with your fingers. [9] X Research source If you lowered the valve a lot, the float on the ball valve may have popped out of the cup. Just realign it when you lower back in to the cup.

You only have to make this adjustment if the flush valve is higher than the overflow valve. If it’s not, then leave the overflow valve where it is.

It might take 2 flushes for the water level in the tank to reach the point you adjusted it to, so try a few times to see how the new mechanism flushes. You want to make sure the height adjustment is at its proper height to be able to hit the mechanism that triggers it to flush the water. [12] X Expert Source Patrick JohnsHome Improvement Specialist Expert Interview. 5 April 2022. You don’t have to put the lid back on to flush the toilet. If the flush button is on the lid, just hit the buttons inside the tank to flush the toilet.