If you are only familiar with one method, it’s best to try and stick to that so you are only learning one new thing at a time. Also consider finding out about, if possible, what specific kind of car you will be driving (it’s make and model), to help you get a feel for it. Many countries that drive on the left-hand side tend to have more manual cars than automatics, so you may find it more expensive to hire an automatic car.

You may have to pick a different rental company, or see if they will deliver the car to your location. The benefit of this is that you will have more open roads to get used to, rather than densely packed cities with tight streets. If you can’t pick it up outside the city, see if you can pick it up close to the outskirts rather than in the centre, so that way you can head out of the city immediately. You can practice driving in an industrial or commercial area on the weekends to make sure that you have hearing control and the ability to stop to avoid the hazards. Then practice driving safely in a neighborhood setting. After you are confident that you can control the vehicle, you can start driving on two-lane streets with higher speeds.

Even in cars with the steering wheel on the right-hand side, the clutch, brake and accelerator are still in the same position as left-hand side vehicles. Still, your right leg will be against the door rather than against the middle console or in the open. Get used to the feel of having your right leg against the door.

Always give way to those already using the roundabout. They have the right of way. You have to pick the lane you want to use and stay in that lane until you exit the roundabout. Look for signs before entering the roundabout that direct you to which lane you should use; if the roundabout has multiple lanes. The lane more to the right is essentially for those who are making a right turn. The left lane, then, is for those who are using one of the three or more other roadways. The main thing to remember at first is just to slow down and be cautious until you get the hang of the roundabout. Try to watch the other traffic and mimic what they are doing.

This can be especially tricky on streets that have cars parked at the sides. Sometimes you will need to pull up at the side and stop and give way to traffic coming from the opposite direction. Likewise, locals will often let you pass them as well.

Don’t be afraid to go slower while you get the feel of this new way of driving. People may get up close behind you, so it’s not a bad idea every so often to pull off to the side and let those people pass you. It is better to have a few people angry at you and to take more time on your first drive than to go faster than you can handle; which could cause an accident.

Consider whether or not you think you might need to do these things and specifically do them before you get going. It can also be a good idea to do without listening to the radio on your first driving trip.

Before you start your journey, study the map and try to have a good idea of where you are going. If it is possible to set audio navigation on either your mobile phone, the car itself, or a satellite navigation (sat nav) system, do so. Having the route clearly defined will free you up to focus only on driving properly.

Having someone else accompanying you is also really helpful when you go to park for the first time. You may very well have to parallel park, which tends to be easier if you have someone who can guide you. Plus, if you are particularly nervous about making this driving adjustment, having someone to talk to and keep you calm will be invaluable.

This also means that pulling out left means you will pull into the left lane closest to you, assuming the road only has two lanes. This will feel unsettling at first, so just take an extra breath and an extra look to remind yourself what you are doing. When you are getting used to this, deliberately look at the roadway a couple extra times to firmly remind yourself where you are at in traffic and whether or not you are crossing oncoming traffic to get to your lane.